Some Background Info

Hi! I am a recent graduate from Wayne State University. I successfully got my bachelors of Science in Computer Science. Ever since I was a kid, I've had an interest in how things works. Most of my questions always started with "why" or "how" because I was always curious about the mechanisms behind how things work. I'm still just as amazed how everything works and I have no clue how. Through the years, I've managed to channel that curiosity first through learning about outer space, learning about networks to run my own Minecraft Server, and now understanding just how the mind really works. In each of those scenarios I've always loved breaking down tough questions into parts and trying to figure out each step and build it back up to the bigger picture again. This is no different. I want to someday bridge the connection between computer science and subjective experience. Especially through Full-Stack Web development, UI/UX design, and possibly machine learning.